Probably the first organization to be formed in our village, that was concerned with matters other than schools, roads or water, was a woman's organization first called the Ladies' Circle, organized April 13, 1911, with thirteen members. Its first president was Mrs. Johnson. The organization did not last.
An old fashioned literary society was formed during the winter of 1911-1912, but did not continue. Mrs. Julia Vernon was its president. In all probability these good ladies were too busy doing their housework under the somewhat primitive conditions of the tract, to spend the necessary time for the required reading to keep alive a literary society. But it was a valiant effort and shows the quality of the aspirations of our pioneer women.
These two attempts at a woman's organization were but a prelude to an organized group of women which was to endure for many decades and is still a force to be reckoned with in any civic activity in the city of Yorba Linda. Its history is a captivating one and fully demonstrates the power of woman when she undertakes for GOOD in her community.
This group of women organized on February 22, 1912, under the name of Federation of Women. It later changed the name to Yorba Linda Woman's Club and as we speak of it in this history [104] we shall refer to it, usually, as The Woman's Club, for as such it it is spoken of in the community.
Mrs. Marion Vernon, (Julia) was chosen as the first president, and reading from the account of the Vernon family in the chapter on Pioneers we feel the choice was a wise one. Mrs. Vernon had a creative mind and the will power and executive ability to carry through her ideas.
At the first meeting a constitution was framed, the preamble of which read . . . "We, the women of Yorba Linda, on this twenty-second day of February, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred twelve, feeling the need of mingling together for mutual benefit, and discussing topics of interest to home, school, church and country, preparing us for better citizenship, do hereby pledge allegiance to this Constitution." Fifteen articles followed. There have been some changes made over the fifty-six years since that constitution was written, but basically the thought and discipline are the same.
I list here the charter members of this remarkable organization as they were listed then.
Eva Gage |
Julia Selover |
Donna Holloway |
Annie Stanley |
Mrs. L. J. Bemis |
Eleanor Herbert |
Georgia Thing |
Myrtle Bridge |
Elizabeth Huston |
Anna Todd |
Bertha Brooks |
Edna Johnson |
Laura Townsend |
Mrs. Buckmaster |
Ada Lynn |
Ada Trueblood |
Henrietta Compton |
Margaret McClure |
Julia Vernon |
Mrs. G. J. Conley |
Blanche McClure |
Anna Walker |
Fannie Corbit |
Hannah Nixon |
Julia Welch |
Freida Drews |
Amanda Pullen |
Nora Welch |
Ella Eidson |
Lillian Quigley |
As early as March 28, 1912, a committee reported on possible sites to start a beautification project. These women were not content to let the town grow up without trees and beauty spots. Their ambition was great and matched only by their faith in their ability to accomplish good things for their community. [105]
The treasurer's record for the year 1917 shows that total receipts for the year amounted to $18.45; the dues were fifty cents a year and accounted for $17.50 of the amount received. The sum of ninety-five cents was donated to the club. The expenses for the year totaled $8.57. And so, with the magnificent sum of $9.88 this dauntless group of women set out for dragons to conquer.
As I have studied their history through the minutes of their club meetings I have wished deeply that they might have had some more recent monsters to handle such as the Anti-Poverty program, the Foreign Aid, the Senatorial Ethics Committee, the Racial Unrest problem and many Odyssean confrontations, all of which I believe they could have taken on and come off the victor.
In 1913 these intrepid women set about acquiring a park for their new town. They asked the Janss Company for a plot of ground. The Janss people agreed to lease them a bit of land, about two acres, an arroyo lying east of what is now the Richard Nixon School grounds and to the top of the level land on the east. The land was part of a natural water drainage run-off. The women thought they could make a beauty spot of it and consulted with an able landscape company about it. This company offered the services of a competent expert on planning and offered trees and shrubbery at cost for the enterprise and a free water meter.
The Janss Company entered into an agreement whereby the club was to keep the land for four years, plant it, improve it, pay all water bills and taxes. If, at the end of three years it had been made into a good park the land would be deeded to the Federation free of charge for park purposes only, and one share of water would go with the land. A Mr. Staley offered to furnish what palms were needed.
An open meeting was held on March 10, 1913, in which the ladies asked the community as a whole to help with the project, feeling that it was too much for them to undertake without the community's help and support. A vote was taken and the proposition lost by a five to three majority. [106]
As I read this story from those early minutes I did not feel that it was a defeat for the club women. It was a defeat for the community. As this is being written, huge earth moving machines are filling this same arroyo with dirt.
Sometimes, as one goes through old records, little gems are turned up. Such is the following story. In the minutes of November 14, 1912, a motion was made to this effect—"Mrs. Nixon being the first one of our members to have anticipations of a little one in her home, and wishing to show our regard for her I move we give a surprise for Mrs. Nixon at the home of Mrs. Trueblood." After the seconding of the motion and the discussion following, the motion lost. Then it was moved and seconded "that we purchase a book to be presented in some quiet way to Mrs. Nixon." Motion carried.
On the ninth of January, two months later, Mrs. Nixon gave birth to a boy baby and named him Richard Milhous. Again, through the bare skeleton of official minutes, we supply in imagination the care and concern of these delightful ladies for the sensitivities of a possibly timid and certainly modest member.
In May, 1912, a committee from the club was appointed to investigate the possibility of getting electricity into the community. Help was given from men interested and the Edison Company installed services in 1912-1913.
On August 22, 1912, Mrs. Fannie Corbit became the second president of the Woman's Club as, at that time officers were changed every six months. The minutes give the distinction of being the first boy and girl babies born to members, to Richard Nixon and Evelyn Doris Thing.
As noted in our history of the library, the club, on April 3, 1913, gave five dollars to the little new library. The club never ceased in its interest and giving to the library. Through the years its membership has backed the library and what it stood for as only a group dedicated to promoting the better things of life for its community can do. In our Library History we tell of the tremendous work of landscaping the new library grounds by the members of the Garden Section of the Club. In the story of the [107] early school experiences we learn of a gift of a piano from the club to the school.
The Yorba Linda Woman's Club joined the Orange County Federation of Women's Clubs on October 16, 1913. It federated with State in 1924, incorporated in 1928 and joined the General Federation in 1950. The Club held its meeting in the newly built schoolhouse on November 28, 1913 and appointed a member to the School Board at that meeting.
In 1915, sparked by a discussion of the County Federation of Women's Clubs, our women became interested in the need for forestry work in Yorba Linda. A committee went to Santa Ana and ordered trees. Some of the men in the community planted the trees, the Yorba Linda Water Company agreed to furnish the water and the Chamber of Commerce volunteered to care for the trees. The women of the Club served lunch and plenty of hot coffee while this work was in progress. This park was on the top of Reservior Hill on Highland Avenue. It is no longer used as a park but many of the trees planted at that time are still growing there. The women planted the park's first tree, which was one that Julia Vernon had brought all the way from Emporia, Kansas in a shoe box. The Janss Investment Company gave $25.90 toward the project. During this year the Club also gave a patriotic program and sold refreshments, the proceeds of which were used to buy a flag and establish a flag pole eighty one inches high. The flag was raised on this pole amid an enthusiastic gathering on July third of that year.
April 11, 1917, was a red letter day for the ladies of the Club when the Orange County Federation of Women's Clubs held its sixth annual convention in Yorba Linda and lunch was served to about one hundred ladies. The local women were justly proud when their president, Mrs. Home, announced that the Yorba Linda Woman's Club had purchased a $500 Liberty Bond. There were only fifty-seven members in the Club at this time, but they had outgrown the school house as a meeting place and had begun holding their sessions in Ley Hall (now known as Masonic Hall). [108]
A Red Cross Auxiliary was organized with thirty members in 1917 and, as might be expected, these women excelled in their Red Cross activities and were noted at Red Cross headquarters for having put out the finest work of the thirteen auxiliaries.
In 1921 the $500 Liberty Bond was used to purchase the land upon which the present Club house stands. In 1922, the building of the club house was completed, a blanket mortgage of $2500 having been secured. The husbands donated an additional $360. The estimated value of the club house and grounds at that time was $4700.
On May 5, 1930, the first Flower Show was held with Miss Marsha Vernon as chairman. Marsha Vernon had a natural talent for working with flowers and dramatizing their beauty. The flower show was such a success that it has been held annually ever since that time except during the war years of World War II. It is in the nature of a community service and is so outstanding as to be visited by many people throughout the county. Later, children's flower shows were sponsored by the Club and held at various schools within the town. Much interest has been generated in these shows and judging of the children's work has been done by club members.
In 1932 the Club sponsored a Boy Scout troop as there was not a men's group to do so at that time. The Club has always taken an active interest in Boy Scout and Girl Scout work, providing space for their meetings when necessary. In 1934 alterations were made on the club house and the kitchen was remodelled and improved. The cost was $486.
A junior section was formed in 1938 with Elinore Ralston as its first president. In the following year the Juniors laid hardwood floors throughout the club house as a gift to the Club. The first Community Christmas Decoration contest was sponsored by the Club in 1940. This yearly event has been encouraged and continued, sometimes sporadically, by other organizations and now is an accepted part of the Christmas festivities, with many artistic and spectacular displays throughout the city. [109]
A music section was formed in 1950 which developed into a singing group of members of the Club calling themselves "The Lindaliers." These choirsters sang at occasional public functions and kept together for several years, but disbanded when a number of members moved away.
One of the most auspicious enterprises of the Club also was inaugurated during this year. It was the Farmer's Market. This event was so well organized and proved so beneficial financially that it has been held annually ever since. Usually a dinner has been served and people come from far and near to meet old friends and enjoy many beautiful things on display for sale. A great amount of work and expert organization go into the putting on of this event each year. It is held several weeks prior to Christmas, for many gift items are on sale and many lasting Christmas decorations are in the Christmas greens booth. Marie Murray, Yvonne Wagner, Beryl Buckmann, Helen Zimmerman, Kathleen Netherland and others are especially talented in the art of making these lovely yule pieces from dried and treated greenery so that they can be used year after year.
Usually the goal for financial benefit from Farmer's Market is $1000 in the clear. It is the biggest money making event of the year for the Club. Its fame has spread so that customers come from neighboring towns to buy.
The records and scrapbooks of the club were accumulating and there was no proper place for them so a cabinet was made and placed in the Yorba Linda District Library. This writer was librarian at that time (1951), and kept the key to the cabinet in a safe place. No one was allowed to open the cabinet and examine the records without first signing for the privilege and dating the transaction. Also noted in the little record book was return of any records taken out. The cabinet, now bulging with records and valuable materials, still sits in the librarian's office and the same procedure holds.
In the late 1950's the town held annual elections for an Honorary Mayor. Much friendly rivalry and hilarity was generated by these contests. The various organizations in the town [110] selected a candidate from their membership and then went all out to win. Votes were sold at twenty-five cents each. Money raised by this means was given to a stated community cause. The project lasted four years and four honorary mayors were elected. The Woman's Club were successful in two of the campaigns. Mrs. Eugene Edwards, its candidate, was elected in 1956 and Mrs. Roy Butz, (this writer) in 1959. It was all a lot of fun, especially on the final night when competing organizations put on skits and musical numbers together with a lot of humor and good natured trickery.
A building fund was started by the Club in 1959 with the sum of $500 being set aside and placed in this special fund. It was in this year that the Garden Section of the Woman's Club landscaped the grounds of the new library and received the Richfield Award for its achievement. The work and planning that went into this project was prodigious. The committee worked with Alan Hall, the color consultant of the new building, and Walter Husband, professional gardener and nursery owner. Yvonne Wagner and Evelyn Livington headed the committee from the Club. More is told of their work in the chapter on the Library.
Another function held at the club has been a Brenneman Brunch, at which the women appeared in hats amazingly wondrous to behold. Several such functions have been held in past years. The last such breakfast was held in the early sixties.
Two members of the club have served as officers of the Orange District of Federated Clubs; Mrs. Hoyt Corbit, as President of that organization with Mrs. James Craig of the Yorba Linda Club as aide. Mrs. Weston Koehne is serving at present as chairman of the Seal and Emblems committee of the District.
The members of the Yorba Linda Woman's Club have assailed many tasks for the betterment of their town and humanity. The money they have earned has been used for the advancement of their plans for needed community projects. Each Christmas season they give a party for the girls in Juvenile Hall, who, through no fault of their own, have become wards of the court pending legal decisions. Record players and records [111] have been purchased and given to the Hall, nicely wrapped gifts are given to each girl, home made candy and other treats are given and lovely Christmas corsages are made for the girls.
Our Club women named many of the streets in Yorba Linda in the earlier days. They have given $50 scholarships to local students of outstanding scholastic merit, both in academic subjects and the arts.
They have sponsored old fashioned community family picnics and given aid to the Orange County Hospital Clinic. They have sponsored art and craft classes for children and adults and in the years 1966 and 1967 they have been most successful in holding a massive Art and Craft Festival in which artists, from over the County bring their oil paintings, stichery, water colors and other crafts, and display and sell their work. This festival is held up and down Main Street and entitled "Main Street U.S.A." Nixon Park, which too, was given a big boost from the Club in earlier years, has lent itself handily to this happening. It will probably be an annual treat for all of us to enjoy each summer.
Even the maintenance of the club house is an altruistic help to the community, for money from rentals is just about the same amount as that expended on maintenance. Money has been set aside toward the building or acquiring of a community center. If the library is successful in carrying out its plans for expansion it has been suggested that this money is to go toward the planned community room as drawn in the architect's plans. Already $500 have been given.
The Club's president chooses a motto for her period of service. I feel that the motto chosen by Helen Craig for the years 1962-1964 described the philosophy of these women — "The only true gift is a portion of thyself" and the theme of our present president, Florine Folk, "May each one of us light our lamps with kindness and understanding as we contribute acts of service to our Club and our Community," gives the secret of its success. [112]
In the club year 1958-1959 the Junior Woman's Club under the sponsorship of the senior club, was organized when Mrs. Mclntyre was president. It was federated with the State the same year. Mrs. Lee Meyers was its first Junior-Senior Coordinator, Excellent relations have been maintained between the Juniors and Seniors and they cooperate in most of the large projects such as Farmer's Market.
The Juniors do a great deal of work for young children of the community. They sponsored an art contest for children from the ages of three through six. They held a visual screening clinic for young children, among other health projects. They have held story hour periods for younger children at the library. They help with the Easter Seal campaign. In 1965-66 the Juniors purchased a set of models of the eye, the ear and heart for students of Yorba Linda Junior High School. In 1966 they walked away with the honors at the Orange District California Federation of Women's Clubs, junior membership, by coming home with five trophies and a sweepstakes award.
On April 20, 1945, a charter was issued which established the Yorba Linda Rotary Club. Much ground work had preceded this event, for the Rotary is an international organization of high caliber and those becoming members take upon themselves far reaching humanitarian responsibilities.
Ralph McGuire was the charter president, and the charter membership was twenty-two. The club set Fridays at noon for their meeting date and at first met in the dining room of Yorba Linda's only cafe on Main Street, operated at that time by Fay and Fannie Young. Fay was a charter member and has remained in the club through the years.
It was my privilege to attend the Rotary meetings for a number of years, as I accompanied the singing which is a part of the program each Friday. I was always delighted at the spirit of [113] camaraderie very evident among the members. Jibes were exchanged in a spirit of fun, and fines, levied for innocent refractions, were paid with good humor.
Among the notable good works accomplished by these gentlemen on the local level I list the following. The club sponsors a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout troop. It signed a lease early in 1968 with the Yorba Linda School District for the use of land on which to move buildings secured from the Placentia School District for Scout use. The members donated materials and refurbished the buildings, spread gravel on the driveways and put all in order generally.
The Club awards scholarships annually to one boy and one girl graduating from high school. It joins with other organizations upon occasion to put over local projects needing help. It contributes annually the funds derived from a golf putting championship contest to the Littlest Angel Guild of Orange County Hospital for Crippled Children. It has collected magazines and shipped quantities of them to places in the world where they are needed. The Club gave invaluable aid to the local library when it was making plans for a new building.
As Rotary is international, the local club supports the VISA (Visiting International Students). Many of these students from foreign countries have lived in the homes of local Rotarians and others have visited in local Rotarian's homes on Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. The local club has a "Matched Club" in Africa and the two clubs keep in touch with each other.
The membership in 1968 was fifty-one and the 1967-68 president was Dr. Thomas Ostman. President for the 1968-69 was the Rev. Joseph Guthrie. President elect for 1969-70 is David "Whit" Cromwell. The RotaTooter has won an award at a district conference. The Rotary now meets at the Yorba Linda Country Club, where it started meeting on May 6, 1966, after fifteen years of using the Masonic Hall. [114]
The Order of Eastern Star was one of the early organizations formed in Yorba Linda. A number of interested people in surrounding communities decided upon Yorba Linda as a meeting center and organized the chapter, the first of which was constituted in about 1850 by Robert Morris, one of the great workers in Masonry. The Yorba Linda Order of Eastern Star held its first meeting in 1917 in the school house on School Street. The members celebrated their fiftieth anniversary in 1967.
This chapter in its ritualistic work, commemorates some of the outstanding women of the Bible. One of the altruistic works of the chapter is contribution toward the maintenance of a home for aged members of the order. The Wide Awake Club is the fund raising arm of the Eastern Star, organized in 1924. It is noted for the quality of food served at various functions.
The membership (world wide) of the Eastern Star is approximately two million. Some of the earliest members of the local lodge were Alpha Van Cleve, the Ralph Thurmans, the George Kelloggs, Carie Drake, the Carl Seamans, the E. L. Gil-mans, the Eldo Wests, E. E. Knight and Michael Martin.
The Y. M. C. A.
The Young Men's Christian Association has been active as an organization in Yorba Linda for many years. In the 1930's Archie Raitt, father of the famous singer, John Raitt, came from Fullerton and helped organize the group in Yorba Linda. At the present time the members here work with the larger group of North Orange County, but they maintain their own local board of directors and meet at a breakfast session once a month.
The group puts on a Mother's Day Breakfast annually as a fund raising project. They work with youth in several ways. They maintain day camps during the summer months, usually lasting five or six days, and often follow a chosen theme which is carried out during the week. Such titles as Circus Week, Secret Agent Week and Adventure Week are among themes chosen and enjoyed [115] in the past. Outdoor cooking is taught, as well as camp care. Hurless Barton, Whit Cromwell and Robert Cromwell are among those who have served on the board of directors for a number of years.
The Masons organized in Yorba Linda in 1918. They celebrated their fiftieth anniversary in 1968, on the 6th of June, when the Grand Master of Masons of California was present. The first Worshipful Master of the local was J. W. Newell, a gold mining engineer. Mr. Carl Seamans was the second such officer, and Mr. Ralph Shook, Sr. was one of the early Masters. Charles Teed received his fifty year pin in February, 1968. Eugene S. Hopp is present Worshipful Master.
The Masonic order is a very old organization and has been active in America from the year 1730. Before that it was well organized in Scotland as early as 1600 and gradually spread to Ireland and England and then to other European countries.
The Masons, besides other contributions to society, have a history of caring for the elderly and orphans. The local order contributes to the Home for the Aged at Union City, California and the Orphans' Home at Covina.
The Eastern Star Chapter is the woman's organization associated with the Masons, and the youth organizations are De Molay for young men and Job's Daughters for young women.
The American Legion was formed by veterans of World War I. It was founded in Paris in 1918. The veterans brought the idea home to America at the close of the war and have posts in every state of the Union. Yorba Linda Post 679 was formed in the middle 1920's. There were posts in Anaheim, Fullerton, Brea and Costa Mesa, and others in Orange County, at the time the post in Yorba Linda was organized.
George Kellogg was interested in the Legion and was an early commander. He is now Judge Advocate for the district. [116] Yorba Linda Post has often worked together with Brea Post and other North Orange County posts in some of the major projects.
Probably the most important goal of the members of this organization is the teaching of American patriotism to youth. The Legion contributes toward providing books on Americanism to libraries and youth reading centers. Another is that of organizing special groups and giving training in case of atomic attack or earthquakes. They study riot and insurrection disorders and make plans for prevention. They help in the prevention of juvenile delinquency.
One year recently they sent a high school boy to Sacramento Boy's State for ten days of instruction in American History. He and other delegates visited the capitol building and were introduced to the Governor and shown his offices.
The Chamber of Commerce was organized February 10, 1913, and met in the original school house on Olinda Street. Its first president was T. B. Welch and its first secretary was Walter Cope. Perhaps the condition that prodded the pioneers into this organization was the necessity to combine forces against the Janss Investment Company on the water problem, and in the beginning they called themselves the Water Users Association.
The Yorba Linda Citrus Association was an outgrowth of the Chamber of Commerce. There will be more about that later. The Chamber has been very active in civic affairs since its first meeting and has regularly held monthly meetings on the second Wednesday of the month throughout most of its life. In the early years it joined with the Farm Center for a short time, but this union did not continue.
For many years the Chamber of Commerce meetings were attended by all in the community who were interested, and since dinners were served at the meetings, whole families often attended. Twenty-five years ago the serving of these dinners alternated among four women's organization, the Friends' Woman's Missionary [117] Society, the Methodist Woman's Society of Christian Services, the Wide Awake Club of the Eastern Star Chapter and the Yorba Linda Woman's Club. Good programs and business relating to community affairs followed the dinners, and those meetings are remembered with pleasure and nostalgia by those who attended.
The Chamber aided in the Community Chest drives when that means was used to finance a number of welfare projects. In 1950 it sponsored a drama, using local talent and directed by Mrs. Lowell B. Jones. The Brea High School auditorium was used for this production, which was well attended.
More recently, annual steak-fries have been put on in Forestry Park with Junior and Senior Chambers working together on the project. These events drew large crowds and valuable door prizes have been given which helped swell the attendance. Local talent has furnished good entertainment at such events. At the present time in 1969, the Chamber of Commerce still meets and is influential in promoting better opportunities and conditions for business in the community. Most of the business people in the five shopping districts of the city belong to and attend these meetings.
The Junior Chamber of Commerce of Yorba Linda was organized in 1963. An energetic group of young men of the community decided to get together and develop a group to augment the work done by the senior Chamber. In some of their larger projects, such as annual steak fry dinners, the two organizations work together.
Some of the accomplishments of this group have been the honoring of young men of the surrounding community for distinguished achievement; providing funds and leadership for Teen entertainment events, and projects for beautifying certain areas of the city.
The Jaycees have taken clothing, gifts, food and toys to underprivileged Mexican towns as well as to institutions for the [118] needy in Southern California. They have contributed crutches and other walking aids to the Cerebral Palsy Association in Santa Ana. They took a stand for supporting prayer in public schools when that issue was decided by the Supreme Court. In 1965 our Junior Chamber won the sweepstakes award in the Placentia Heritage festival parade with its float entitled "Lest We Forget". The wives of the Jaycees are organized under the name of Jay-cettes.
The Yorba Linda Volunteer Fire Department is a prime example of the spirit of genuine goodwill and helpfulness. Its help means personal sacrifice on the part of members and they have been extending this service to their community for thirty-seven years at the present time.
The Fire Department was organized in 1932. Their first fire chief was Fred Earll, who served on the department for many years. His son Keith Earll, is now fire chief. Ten men were in the group when the Fire Department was organized. Fred Clodt was one of the ten, and is the only one who has been with the organization continuously since. He served as chief for eighteen years. The men used primitive equipment during early years and it was a common sight to see several men running and pushing an old hose cart along the streets. Some ranchers got together at one time and collected contributions from fellow ranchers to purchase a fire truck. They held dances and other fund raising entertainment to complete payment on the truck.
The original building at the fire station on Lemon Drive was built by citizens of the community with volunteer help and financed from their own pockets. Later, when Orange County gave help to the department, the citizens, after certain agreements, turned the building over to the county. The Department follows a uniform code of laws originated by the county. Firemen are now paid five dollars per call. Many return this money to the department to pay for needed equipment. [119]
The saving to the people of Yorba Linda has been a considerable amount through the years. The taxpayers pay two dollars per person per year for this service, but would have to pay $31.90 per person if using a locally governed and paid organization. The Fire Department protects an area much larger than the city itself. It is rated near the top in efficiency by the Pacific Fire Rating Bureau. This rating, used by fire insurance companies makes such insurance cheaper for Yorba Linda citizens.
Members of the department take special training in life saving techniques and have been successful in saving lives. Over one hundred such calls were answered in the year 1967. Such calls as heart attacks, drownings, falls, convulsions, suicide attempts and other serious accidents are handled in a professional manner by these men.
The Department bought a new Crown fire truck in 1965 and its brilliant redness and shining equipment was a source of pride and worshipful attention to all, especially to the younger generation who have hopes of one day manning such splendor.
The Department now has twenty-five men and is so organized that about a dozen answer each call immediately. The county now pays insurance costs on men and equipment and also defrays other expense. Before incorporation of Yorba Linda, County Fire Warden E. F. Osterman made up a fact sheet as to comparable costs of fire protection. It was found that because of Yorba Linda's full complement of volunteers, the department can be operated for about $24,000 per year as compared to about $383,000 for a city financed full time department.
A new structure has been built on the site which used to be Forestry Park, and is adjacent to the older fire station buildings. This will greatly enlarge the facilities. The county financed the erection of this building and also underwrites the maintenance of equipment for the department.
Needless to say, the populace of Yorba Linda is most grateful for the services furnished by its Volunteer Fire Department. The people were pleased when the Fire Department observed its thirty-sixth anniversary in February of 1968 and many awards [120] and recognitions were given. A resolution of commendation from the Orange County board of supervisors was given to Fire Chief Keith Earll. A similar resolution from the city of Yorba Linda was read. Fred Clodt was honored for his continuous service throughout the life of the Department. Elmer Osterman, in presenting the honor said that Mr. Clodt had put in more years of service than any of the four hundred members of the Orange County Fire Department.
As the population increases there is no doubt but that the older type of volunteer help will be replaced by full time paid personnel, but we have been told that Yorba Linda may not have to face that for some time as we still have enough men locally employed so as to be on hand for calls. We speak for the people of our city when we extend our vote of thanks to this dedicated group of men.
The local 4-H Club was organized in the early 1940's. The Clover Leaf 4-H Club is celebrating its 27th anniversary fair this year (1969) which would make the giving of its charter in the year 1942. Some of the leaders thought it was earlier and there may have been some 4-H activity earlier, before granting of the charter.
The Kenneth Casper family, now living near Auburn, California, was very active in 4-H work in the 1940's. Three boys of this family, Kenneth, Tom and David, all had projects and did very well in the work. They worked with goats and sheep. David continued with his interest in sheep and now, a grown man, farms on a ranch between Grass Valley and Auburn. He has a large flock of sheep and some cattle, also. He has a display of trophies and ribbons (many of them blue or purple) which attest to his success in the 4-H program.
The Herb Horton family took up the 4-H work after the Caspers left and have had good success in their leadership. There were about forty members in the Clover Leaf 4-H in 1966 and they had two girls in the club who became All Stars. They were [121] Sandra Wood and Peggy Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Horton are now county leaders and do not work with the local club.
Jeanne (Mrs. Vernon) Frederick, Lucille (Mrs. Matt) Lee and Mr. Anthony Cardoza are now leaders of the Clover Leaf 4-H, and along with the increase in population has come a like increase in 4-H membership. The club now has one hundred forty members. The popularity of horses has added interest among the boys and girls in learning more about horses and their care. The Clover Leaf 4-H youth have the following projects: under livestock there are horses, sheep, goats, swine and beef cattle. Listed under miscellaneous agriculture, are wild life, rabbits, chickens, tractor and vegetable gardens. Clothing and home furnishings complete the list of subjects our Clover Leafers are working on.
In 1965 another 4-H Club was organized in Yorba Linda. Kathleen (Mrs. Robert) Huff is its leader. Mrs. Huff took a bicycle tour of Germany shortly before World War II. She spoke German fluently and was able to converse with the people there about what seemed to her a horrifying and frightening development. Hitler was using the youth groups such as Boy Scouts, for the purpose of building troops who would be so indoctrinated with his ideas that they would be capable of carrying out the genocide of the Jews program and other atrocities. The parents with whom she talked were unable to cope with the situation to prevent what was occurring.
Mrs. Huff resolved then and there that when she returned to America she would devote all the time she could to youth work so that no such thing could happen here. She has been able to do a great deal toward this ideal in her work with youth groups. Her husband, Robert Huff, is interested in Boy Scout work and both Mr. and Mrs. Huff have devoted much time and effort to these two organizations.
The name of the newer 4-H Club is the Kountry Kultivators and it has a membership of thirty. Its projects are clothing, entomology, foods, electricity, home furnishing, goats, horses and ponies, rabbits and sheep. [122]
The Citrus Association, formed in the very early years of the town, was an outgrowth of the Chamber of Commerce, organized in 1913. The official name of the organization was the Yorba Linda Citrus Association. Emory Albertson, who lived in Whittier at the time was its first chairman. Mr. Daymon was the first foreman and Mr. Skidmore the first manager. The citrus industry was the economic backbone of the area and the leadership of the Citrus Association played an important part in the welfare and growth of the town and surrounding ranches.
John L. (Tad) Vetter put in many years as foreman of the lemon house after some years as an employee. Phil Ton was secretary for several years and was succeeded by Donald Frisbee who served in that capacity until the industry was closed.
Two citrus processing houses were built, one for oranges and one for lemons. The first lemon house toppled because of an imbalance of fruit storage and so the lemon house that now stands on Yorba Linda Boulevard at Park Avenue was built. It has a huge basement and the square footage floor space of the building exceeds 60,000. The basement has a refrigeration installation that kept the fruit at a constant required temperature. Several freight car loads of lemons could be stored and held for favorable markets.
The Pacific Electric tracks bordered both houses and freight cars picked up most of the fruit for many years and transported it to Los Angeles. When highways improved and huge truck vans were put to use much of the haulage was done by truck.
Many local people were hired by the two packing houses to process and pack the fruit. Mr. Avalon Adams put in many years in the industry, first as employee, then as a foreman, and finally as manager, which position he still held when the houses closed down.
The Citrus Association was a co-operative organization and a member of the California Fruit Growers Exchange. As the fruit brought in by the growers was marketed, the proceeds, less expenses, [123] were pro-rated to the growers. The fruit went out under the Sunkist label. The best grade was Yorba, the second grade, Linda. This fruit was shipped out to all parts of America.
The history of Boy Scouts in Yorba Linda goes back to 1916 when the first troop was organized. These scouts were called Troop I. They were destined for national fame for they received official recognition from National Headquarters of Boy Scouts when they celebrated their Golden Anniverstry in 1966, having been active for fifty years at that time. The name, Troop I, was changed to Troop 99 several years after the inception of the organization but the personnel was the same and they are in direct linear descent from the first troop.
Charles Teed was the first scoutmaster of Troop 99 and remained in scout work for twenty-five years. Other early scoutmasters and adult workers in scouting were Dr. R. C. Cochran, Chauncey Eichler, Lee Vernon and Ralph Shook, Sr.
A man of many years of service in scout work is Jack McDavid, who has been associated with Troop 99 for thirty-six years. He began as a scouter, then served as assistant scoutmaster and finally scoutmaster. He is still active in the work and is very well informed concerning all aspects of the organization. Robert Cochran and Harold Van Patten have both given considerable time to scout work.
Troop 99 whose membership numbered twenty-three in 1916 was the first scout troop to be organized in Orange County. It is one of the oldest troops in the western United States. Since 1947 this troop has been sponsored by the American Legion. There are many scouts now in the troop whose fathers were members of 99 when they were boys. Many boys have become Eagle Scouts from this troop. A large number of the enterprises of Troop 99 are centered around outdoor activities, as hiking and camping. For fund raising an annual breakfast is served to the public which is always well attended. [124]
At the present time there are three active scout organizations, two cub scout packs and one Explorer post. Troop 62 is sponsored by the local Rotary Club and the newest, 175, is sponsored by Rose Drive Parent-Teacher Organization.
Among more recent scoutmasters are Robert Brown, Robert Ackerman, Stanley Sprague and Harold Gallaher. Robert Huff has been in Boy Scout work for many years and is now on the Board of the Boy Scout Council.
THE 20-30 CLUB
On May 19, 1949, an arm of the International 20-30 Club was organized in Yorba Linda. The International 20-30 is one of the largest young mens organizations in the world.
For a number of years the 20-30's in Yorba Linda were very active and accomplished numerous civic improvement projects. They were instrumental in keeping Main Street clean, often hosing it down at night after clearing it of litter. They placed trash cans in appropriate places, organized a scrap drive, gave toys to needy children, and put up Christmas decorations. They sponsored the Dance Capades and the Soap Box Derby contestants. The club is no longer active in Yorba Linda.
A group of people in Placentia, interested in preserving the trees and green areas of their community, met together to discuss the possibilities of organizing a society for that purpose. The name they chose at first was the Placentia Green Committee. This was in the year 1963. Dr. D. L. Messenger was the first president of the society.
As the group was successful in attaining its aims of preserving the trees and green areas and achieving improvement in civic beauty in the city, the members began to discuss their heritage and the renewal of interest in discovering more about the historic spots, and the pioneers who had developed the land. They found there were people in Yorba Linda who were interested in the same things and invited them to join the society. With the addition of the [125] Yorba Lindans the name was changed to the Placentia-Yorba Heritage Society.
One of the activities enjoyed by these people is the developing of an oral history of the area. This consists of inviting about five old timers of the community to come and participate in a reminiscing session. These seniors start by one of the group recalling an event of early days. Others join in and from the total of the recollections of the evening considerable valid history is disclosed. I did not ask, but presumably, notes are taken or tapes are used at the sessions so that the history can be preserved.
At present the interest of the group is centering on the preservation of the old Yorba cemetery off Esperanza Road, east of the Yorba Linda freeway. Plans are made to clear away brush and weeds and to keep the cemetery green with a 10 foot wide green border around it. They hope to fence the area to keep vandals out. Some legal process may have to be used in order to work out rights to the property with access road realignment and water rights. The property was owned by the Catholic Church. The Archdiocese of Southern California deeded it to Orange County and will also deed the green strip around the access.
The members of the society are also making a collection of artifacts such as old pictures, laces, shawls, clothing, utensils, tools, furniture and machinery used in the Spanish hacienda era and the early pioneer days. Such things would be a nucleus for a museum. Supervisor William Phillips is interested in the work of the society and is giving help in coordinating the project with the county. Mr. John Harris is now President of the Heritage Society.
The first group of Camp Fire Girls was organized in Yorba Linda in 1914 with Marie Vernon, (later Mrs. Warrick Murray) as its leader. Mrs. Murray recalls the camp-out trip with the girls in 1916, when she was still in her college years.
Twenty-two girls went on this trip to Camp Roberts, in the mountains above Pasadena. There was no road in to the camp as yet and the girls started hiking up from Sierra Madre. Some of [126] the girls who were membes on this trip were Ruth McDavid (Munger), Topsy Bemis (Page), Thelma Pike (Bebower) and Jessamyn West. Julia Buckmaster (Oilman) was too young to be a member at the time, but she was such a charming little girl that the rest wanted her along. (She has never lost that charm). The girls stayed in camp one week.
With Jessamyn West along to write the scripts for them, the girls put on performances for the benefit of others in camp, lampooning the food, the styles of the times and other subjects that might entertain their audience. It was a memorable trip and recalled with nostalgia by the girls as well as their leader, Mrs. Murray.
Marian Thing (Sallade) and Irene Marshburn (Deshler) also worked with the Camp Fire Girls in the earlier years. The present Camp Fire Girls were organized in 1963, and at this time have been operating for five years. As the name infers, these girls learn the art of living in the open and they have some wonderful times together doing so. They often go to O'Neill Park, about twenty-five miles southeast of Yorba Linda and stay overnight, sleeping in sleeping bags under the sky and the trees. Two Yorba Linda young women are the leaders of these girls. They are Mari-alice (Mrs. Harold) Gallaher and Elaine (Mrs. Jack) Young.
Each group has a service project for children in children's hospitals or for the aged in homes for aged people. They have a nut sale in January every year and use the proceeds to finance their projects. There is a high school group of unusually dedicated young people who have accomplished many worthwhile things.
One of the projects accomplished by the Camp Fire Girls was the making of a five-sided play house. They decorated the walls of the rooms and supplied the house with furniture and the arrangement is such that five children can play with the play house at one time. The house, when completed, was given to the Children's Hospital, where it received a great deal of use. The girls also make doll clothes for young hospital patients, often making clothes of a size for some particular doll. [127]
Some of the fun things the girls indulge in are overnight camps in the mountains, beach parties, and a trip to Griffith Park Observatory. This year they are going to the Ramona Bowl to see the annual staging of Helen Hunt Jackson's story of Ramona. They go each summer to Summer Camp at Barton Flats where they sleep outside. If it happens to rain, which sometimes occurs up there, they all rush into the tents and crowd together as they finish their night's sleep.
There was probably some Girl Scout organization activity in Yorba Linda in the 1930's, but we were unable to find anyone with remembrance of just what was done, so we go to the 1950's when a great deal was accomplished.
Patty Cochran (Mrs. Robert) came to Yorba Linda in 1951. She had had experience in Girl Scout work and began working with Mrs. Chris Sillesen as a helper with a troop of Girl Scouts. Mrs. Paul Berlencourt was also a leader of a troop and Patty helped in that troop also. It was not long until all concerned recognized Patty's experience and ability and she was persuaded to take the leadership of both organizations. She kept with them six or seven years until they graduated from high school. They were the first Senior Girl Scouts to be active in the town.
Patty Cochran was a seasoned outdoor person and a nature lover. She led her Scouts on many a field and camping trip. They visited Barton Flats and explored Saddleback Mountain. At one time some of the girls were formed into an emergency squad. They learned emergency measures and emergency cooking and emergency food. At one time they cooked lunch out-of-doors for the Fullerton Rotary Club. They performed other community services also, such as helping to keep the weeds down in the Park.
During their final year the girls and their leader and Mrs. Agnes Clodt, who was assistant leader back packed into the high Sierras and hiked to the top of Mt. Whitney, then the highest peak in the United States. This was a memorable adventure for all who made the trip. Among the girls who went were Carol McKenzie (now [128] Mrs Jeffrey Jones), Jane Beyer, Donna Clodt, Mary Lynn Anderson and Sherry Steffes. Bob and Patty Cochran are still very active in Scout work in their present home in Silverado Canyon. The scouts under their direction cleaned out the underbrush in Peters Canyon in the fall of 1967 thus keeping the terrible fire that went through there from causing much more damage than it did. Patty Cochran and Agnes Clodt are remembered with gratitude for the years they gave to the Girl Scout organization here.
In the 1960's the Girl Scout work broadened with the increase in population. At the present time there are twenty-three troops in all, which includes ten Brownie troops, twelve Junior Scouts, and one Cadette troop. Next year they expect to have two or three Cadettes and one Senior Troop for the first time since the 1950's.
Among long term leaders in Girl Scout work are Margery Coler (Mrs. Donald), Beverly Cothren (Mrs. George), Mary Kay King (Mrs. Richard), Vivian Malits (Mrs. Joe), and Elaine Reay (Mrs. Clarence). Donna Ward (Mrs. Ewan) is neighborhood chairman. Martha Hawthorne and Marsha Peterson from the Yorba Linda troops have been selected to go to New York for the World of Arts Conference.
The Yorba Linda Girl Scouts have been active in community service. They have taken part in church services, planted marigolds in Imperial Park, made Easter baskets for patients in Fairview Mental Hospital, helped with story hour at the library, helped make posters for the Orange County Guidance Clinic and distributed “Fight Cancer" flags. Of course, there is always the Girl Scout cookie sale and calendar sale. Our girls do their share in this work each year.
Organized in the fall of 1958, the Service League is a volunteer service organization and encourages its members to accept the responsibilities of good citizenship and to foster interest in the social, economic, educational and cultural conditions of their community. [129]
Its charter members numbered thirteen young matrons: Mrs. Irving (Betty) Webb, Mrs. Paul (Mary) Collins, Mrs. Herman (Charlotte) Anderson, Mrs. Ray (Renette) Taylor, Mrs. Edwin (Joyan) Illsley, Mrs. Jack (Virginia) Seaton, Mrs. Robert (Elizabeth) Hawthorne, Mrs. Hideo (Hari) Miyoda, Mrs. Arthur (Elfrieda) Young, Mrs. Leroy (Donna) Barton, Mrs. Burke (Dixie) Luckenbill, Mrs. William (Phyllis) Paul and Mrs. Harold (Marian) Van Patten.
From the first, this group of women has taken upon itself community needs and worked together on them. Members of the library staff will not forget the things they did to help when the library moved into its new quarters in the fall of 1959. The Service League presented the library with a beautiful guest and gift book which was made especially for the occasion, and also a travertine table which adds much to the leisure reading area.
The League has sponsored summer classes in languages and art, children's summer education with professional teachers in charge, as well as classes in creative writing and reading enrichment. It sponsored a community calendar and organized a tree bank and tree planting project with an objective of conservation and beautification.
Four projects which the members consider most important include: a unified phonics course which was sponsored in summer workshop for administrators, teachers and parents, taught by Mrs. Romalda Spalding, the noted authority on the subject. Five new television sets were donated to the Yorba Linda School District from funds raised by sales of community directories. Members have worked for a community center, raised funds from bridge parties and luncheons. They have sponsored the Y. E. S. (Youth Employment Service) which has resulted in help to both youth and residents in the community, needing help in gardening work, housework, babysitting etc. Three days a week a member of the Service League mans the Y. E. S. office in the library and makes arrangements between young people and employers in this much needed service. [130]
Truly, the Service League has proved its worth to the community during the ten years of its existence in Yorba Linda. At present the League has thirty-two active members. Its president is Mrs. William McAndrews.
In the year 1960 the quiet village and countryside of Yorba Linda had started to take on a new look. Fruit orchards were being taken out. Tracts of homes were being developed. Land was being bought with intent to establish shopping centers and to create areas of fine residential districts. So it was in this year that a group of people, interested in maintaining good planning of the area and with thoughts of protecting their investments in homes, got together and formed a new organization and called themselves The Home Owners.
The Home Owners established a board of directors to carry on the official work and elected Oilman Blake as chairman. The Fred Alkires, and the William Pauls were among the early officers and members of the organization. Bill Ross has been very active throughout the life of the Home Owners and is still the "man to see" if you want information on the group's activity. Lindell Jones is secretary at the present time and most cooperative in giving help and information also.
Some of the things that have been accomplished by this group are listed here. They were active on annexation issues trying hard to prevent Placentia and Anaheim from stripping land from Yorba Linda that we considered rightly belonged within our boundaries, while we were struggling for incorporation. They helped in planning and landscaping along Imperial Highway. They have worked on traffic hazards in the community, especially around schools. They have worked on the zoning of local lands, keeping objectionable installations such as rabbitries, dog kennels and stables from intruding too close to residential areas. They fought unceasingly for incorporation of Yorba Linda, giving considerable financial aid. They have a representative of the organization present at all meetings of the area planning commission and at [131] meetings of the city council. These tireless people have recently organized a committee on beautification planning and intend to put on a membership drive to help in the development and growth of the community.
When the Yorba Linda farming and ranching community was about eight years old the ranchers felt a growing need for an organization in which they might pool their resources and also work together to obtain desirable status whereby they could obtain certain advantages and services. So they organized the Farm Bureau Center in 1918. The men most active in organizing the Center were Eldo West, George Corbit and Arthur Pickering. The wives joined the organization with their husbands and one of the advantages of this was the excellent dinners that were served on meeting night, attracting a good crowd at each gathering.
One of the rewards of their action was that the men could arrange exchange of work on the groves. Also the organization was instrumental in getting black topping on some of the most used roads, and it persuaded the electrical and gas companies to bring electricity and gas into the community which was a big help and work saver to both men and women. Its members worked to keep taxes down and were fairly successful in this endeavor.
As the community began to turn into a city and thousands of acres of land were converted from fanning to huge housing development, the same needs for a Farm Bureau did not exist, but members continue to meet except during the summer months. Their concerns now are more on conservation. They have had meaningful programs on this subject and on recreational areas.
THE P. T. A.
The pioneers did not wait long to organize a Parent-Teachers Association for we find records of a P. T. A. being first organized on September 20, 1912. This was while the school was still in the small building, financed and built by volunteers in 1911. The names Brooks, Holloway, Trueblood, Thing, Quigley, Kinsman, [132] Bemis, Walker, Vetter, Phinney, Compton, Trook and Marshburn appear as early members.
Mrs. A. B. McDavid (mother of Ruth Munger and Jack McDavid and grandmother of Nancy Polte) was a most ardent worker in this organization and served as president for two years 1915-1917. I have not discovered who the first president was but the record says that there were fourteen members when the group was organized in 1911.
The P.T.A. has never lagged as Yorba Linda has developed from a few pioneers into an incorporated city. Now, with four schools in the district, each has its Parent-Teacher Association and the work goes on furnishing a common ground on which parents and teachers may work out problems concerning their mutual interest in the children of their community. Excellent programs are furnished once a month and life memberships are granted on Founders Day always to the great surprise of the recipients.
Probably our most entertaining organizaton is the Gay Nineties, a group of women, organized in 1951 under the leadershp and direction of Whit Cromwell. In the beginning there were a few women in Santa Ana who had been with the Sweet Adeline group which broke up and they wished to continue with group singing. They contacted Mr. Cromwell and he asked some of the Yorba Linda women singers if they would join the group. At first there there were eight women in the organization, but the number soon increased to an average of twenty who could be counted on to be practiced and ready to make a public appearance when asked, which occurred more and more frequently as their popularity increased.
The music used by the group is of the old fashioned sweet, barbershop variety and the costumes worn by the singers at their performances are in harmony with their music, floor length, bustled, leg-o-mutton sleeved, high necked and well trimmed with ruffles and (or) lace. [133]
All ages are represented in this unique group, from teenagers to women in their late 70's or 80's, and Whit says the older ones are the liveliest. So beautifully do they harmonize and so entertaining is their music that it needs only to be advertised that "The Gay Nineties will sing", to be able to have a full house at any function.
They have sung at events throughout Orange County and for large groups in Los Angeles County. One of their remembered highlights was when they traveled to Camp Irwin, near Barstow for Armed Forces Day and sang several times throughout the day, entertaining the soldiers in training there.
Whit and the Gay Nineties Gals have put on concerts at the Veterans' Hospital in Long Beach as well as in regular hospitals, convalescent hospitals and homes for the aged. This group has put on benefit shows to raise money for Crippled Children, March of Dimes and for installing lights in old Forestry Park, before it was closed to furnish land for a new fire hall. At one time when a member of the group lost her husband suddenly, the girls and Whit put on some benefits to help the young widow finish college so that she could begin teaching to support herself and family.
Several quartets have organized within the group so that they can sing upon request, representing the Gay Nineties when the demand is for a daytime appearance when the whole group, because of many being employed, could not attend. At the present time, a teen-aged group is practicing to form a quartet. Whit Cromwell and the Gay Nineties have won the appreciation and admiration of all Yorba Lindans.
T. O. P. S.
Taking off pounds sensibly is the object of the members of the Yorba Linda T. O. P. S. club, organized in May, 1964. These people, following the rules of the national organization of this name, as described in detail in the T. O. P. S. magazine have a delightful time chucking their chubbiness, parting with portliness or phasing out the "phat" as the case may be. [134]
In 1965, after only one year of being in operation, the members announced a three hundred pound loss, (total, of course). However, at the present time, three years later they still have enough stamina left to keep going strong and pictures of members appearing from time to time always show neat, slender figures, so we assume they are 100% successful in their endeavors. Their success has persuaded other groups to form and all seem to be happy with this plan of joining forces to keep each other slender and beautiful.
A club that trains women to speak with confidence and clarity when addressing a group or in private conversation with a client or even just an acquaintance, is certainly of value to its members. Such is the Toastmistress Club, organized in Yorba Linda as an arm of the international club of that name.
In March, 1966, a Junior Toastmistress Club was organized in Yorba Linda. Its membership is open to girls under twenty-one. Yorba Linda girls, who have been members of this organization, have realized its value and have participated as pages and junior hostesses for a Leadership Conference for Women held in 1966 at California State College at Fullerton.
On October 9, 1967, the Christian Women's Club for the Yorba Linda-Placentia area was formed, and held its first luncheon at the Alta Vista Country Club. The local club is an outgrowth of the North Orange County Christian Women's Club and affiliated with the national organization which has established clubs in cities throughout America. The club is inter-denominational and has as its aim the furthering of knowledge and acceptance of the value of the teachings of Jesus Christ in the home as well as in all relationships of life.
Luncheons are held on the first Monday of each month. The programs are of a high caliber, with guest speakers of proven ability to bring out facets of the Christian ethic. The featured [135] speaker is usually preceded by musical numbers and various types of art presentations, as style shows and exhibits of art or craft work.
The Club has been highly successful here as well as elsewhere. The clubhouse is filled at each session. There are no dues, but an offering is taken at each meeting and goes to a fund for the support of Christian missionaries.
The ground was broken in October of 1964 for a baseball field for Little League activities, at the corner of Valley View Avenue and Yorba Linda Blvd. Playing fields and diamonds were laid out for use of major and minor leagues. This land has been put to good use ever since. On Saturday the dads accompany the boys and a great deal of coaching and cheering and baseball playing goes on throughout the day.
In July, 1965, a four day tournament was held on the field with plans to make this an annual affair. Teams from Atwood, Placentia, La Habra, Brea, Fullerton and La Mirada played for the championship. Large crowds attended and seating in the bleachers was inadequate. Concessions dispensing hot dogs, pizza chili dogs and colas did a paying business and the tournament was termed a huge success.
Mothers of the boys have gotten together and practiced and put on a benefit game to raise money for the leagues. Who knows? Maybe another Babe Ruth, Joe Di Maggio or a Sandy Koufax will some day emerge from this field. We all await in hopes.
Perhaps the main reason that newcomers to Yorba Linda exclaim that they have "never lived in such a friendly town," is the fact that we have a Welcome Neighbor Club and a Welcome Wagon Club.
The Welcome Neighbor Club has been active in Yorba Linda since 1960. Its area office is in Whittier, but its personnel [136] is entirely Yorba Lindan. When members call upon newcomers they carry baskets of gifts from local merchants, such as coupon books, an Orange County telephone directory and maps depicting the location of post office, churches, shopping areas and the library. They furnish important telephone numbers such as the local fire department and sheriff's office.
The Welcome Wagon Club, begun in 1965, includes residents from both Yorba Linda and Placentia. The members seek out newcomers by checking church rolls and moving vans. They often find new neighbors from distant states and even from European countries. The program of this club includes social functions, golf, card games and gardening. It programs fashion shows, hair styling demonstrations, Christmas decoration parties and progressive dinners.
Yorba Linda has a very beautiful golf course and golf club within its city limits. Its name is The Yorba Linda Country Club. Its eighteen hole golf course is 6,696 yards in extent from Yorba Linda Boulevard at Palm Avenue on the north to near Orangethorpe Boulevard on the south.
The buildings are modern and beautifully furnished, decorated and landscaped. They house a kitchen, two spacious dining areas, a bar, and a pro shop. There is also a huge swimming pool and a tennis court. Electric golf carts are in use, traveling the course during playing hours. City groups often use the dining rooms of the club for various social functions and meetings. Some of the nation's greats in the field of golf have played on the course of this club and tournaments are often held here.
In June, 1965, the Club was host to a "noodle tournament," instigated by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Romaniella, a Roman Catholic priest who had a great compassion for the starving Chinese refugees in Hong Kong and used this means of furnishing them with food. The sum of $1500 was raised at this tournament and was used to buy noodle making machines whereby the [137] Chinese could prepare the noodles when the ingredients arrive from various sources in the United States.
Many Yorba Linda people also have memberships in the Alta Vista Country Club located in the city of Placentia but near Yorba Linda. This club has a beautiful, rolling golf course and kitchen, dining area and pro shop.
We have some other organizations active in the city, whose names are self explanatory. There is a theater group of children who term themselves "The Moppets." They have put on some very interesting performances under the direction of Mrs. Elizabeth Vickerman.
The Fairgreen Women's Club is mostly composed of the women in the Fairgreen development area in the southeast section of Yorba Linda. They organized in 1965 and have developed many mutual interests.
The Imperial Highway Association is not limited to Yorba Linda in its membership,but because Yorba Linda has been for many years the home of George Kellogg, who has pushed and struggled for Imperial Highway and has been successful through the years in getting it surfaced and widened and extended, we almost feel that the Association belongs to us.
The John Birch Society has a local chapter in Yorba Linda and holds regular meetings, stressing Americanism.
The Young Republican's Club is a political arm of the G.O.P. and furthers its party growth in its work. [138]
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